Treatment for Multiple Scleroris

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Treatment for Multiple Scleroris


Written by Mike Byrom – Founding Scientist and Chief Scientific Officer for BioEden.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an auto-immune disease (meaning your body attacks itself) which affects many parts of your body including your brain, spinal cord, optic nerves and eyes. It occurs when your immune system attacks the protective coating on nerves called myelin.

Without this protective coating the nerves become damaged and the result is you have symptoms such as; fatigue, difficulty walking and moving, blurry vision, weakness, pain, and difficulty controlling your bladder and bowels. These problems tend to get worse over time as the disease progresses and can significantly lessen your quality of life.

Traditional medical treatment options for MS are limited to pharmaceuticals intended to reduce relapse time and slow disease progression. Many people that suffer from this disease do not experience any benefits from these drug treatments and often suffer from very bad side effects.  There are currently no classical medical treatments to cure this disease.

Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for the treatment of MS has been showing some amazing and life changing successful results…

Leslie from the UK

Leslie was diagnosed with MS in 2006.  He experienced limited benefit from traditional medical treatment and after about 4 years he required the use of a wheelchair, had extreme fatigue, optical neuritis, difficulty walking and talking and all the normal symptoms associated with MS. He decided to have stem cell therapy and traveled outside of the UK to receive it. Within a week he could walk and was coordinated enough to start exercise at a local gym. His disease continued to improve and he now is living a relatively normal and productive life again.  His story can be found with the links below.

Video of his 4 month follow-up:

Holly Huber from San Diego USA

Holly was diagnosed with MS in November of 2004.  She attempted traditional medical treatment for her condition but did not experience success. 4 years later in 2008 she was in a wheelchair much of the time, she had difficulty speaking, had difficulty with cognitive function, difficulty walking, extreme fatigue, poor balance, she couldn’t drive, she had problems with her bladder and many other symptoms that prevented her from living a happy and productive life. She made the decision to have stem cell therapy and traveled to Costa Rica and had treatment using MSC’s from donated umbilical cord blood. She experienced tremendous improvements with her disease.  She regained control over her bladder, regained ability to walk, talk, drive, and live a productive life.  All the details of her story can be found on her website listed below and she has produced a series of video diary entries to document her journey. A link to one of those videos is below.

Video Diary:


Jason Upshaw from Texas USA

Jason was diagnosed with MS in 1996.  His disease progressed normally over several years until he was unable to walk, talk, feel his hands and feet, had extreme fatigue and all of the common symptoms of this disease.  He decided to travel to Panama and have stem cell therapy in 2008.  After his first treatment and within a week he was able to walk without assistance.  He has received massive improvement in all symptoms of his disease over time and has regained control over his life. Jason’s case was an extremely difficult one because he had been suffering from the disease for such a long period of time before his first treatment.  This long time allowed for significantly more damage to his nerves to occur which is one of the critical factors I discussed above.  The video story below is a little long at 17 minutes but one of the most amazing turnaround cases you will ever see and it is worth watching every minute of it.

His story:



In all 3 of these examples the patients still have their disease but the treatment they received allowed them to regain control of their lives and enjoy living again.
